Thursday, September 4, 2014

Top 100

In honor of #TLead Chat tonight, I made my own Teacher “Top 100” I hope it’s a hit!

1.     You get to read cool young adult novels FOR YOUR JOB.
2.     Kid hugs
3.     Kid smiles
4.     That moment when a kid says "Oh, I get it!" 
5.     When they make up a song for you
6.     When their parents say they came home excited about learning today
7.     When a parent thanks you
8.     When an administrator tells a parent (in front of you) that their kid is lucky to have you as their teacher.
9.     A job where you get to have recess every day
10. The natural curiosity that kids have
11. When a kid makes a great connection
12. When a kid asks a question that shows they are really listening
13. When a kid solves a math problem a way that you didn’t even think about
14. When the copier works
15. When every kid follows line procedures right as the principal walks by
16. When you hear your student being respectful
17. When you see your student helping a friend
18. When you see your student struggling but they don’t give up
19. When a student e-mails you at night just to tell you that they finished the book
20. When a mom asks how she can help
21. When a dad stops by just to read with kids, not even his sometimes
22. When another teacher asks if you need anything
23. When a front office friend cuts out your laminating for you
24. When a kid sits with you at recess to tell you about their weekend
25. When a kid asks if you can sit at their lunch table today
26. My coffee pot in my room
27. My absurd amount of gel pens that kids think are cool and adults just don’t understand
28. Picture books
29. Town Hall
30. Board games
31. Creating a class song
32. Creating a class rap
33. Showing a kid hilarious internet videos sometimes, just because hilarious internet videos
34. Spending your day with friends
35. Allowing yourself to sit back and watch learning happen
36. Realizing that the kids have more to teach you than you ever thought possible
37. Going to the school library and getting as many books as you want
38. Playing freeze tag during a dance break
39. Skate nights
40. Field Trips
41. Secret Buddies (Bucket Buddies at my school)
42. Getting to draw on a Smartboard
43. Having a line of children waiting to greet you every morning
44. That kid who sees you after school and waves like you’re a rock star even though you just saw them an hour ago
45. When you have time, grading papers and commenting to kids so they know you care
46. Book chats
47. Dressing up
48. Planning a lesson that gets them engaged
49. Knowing that your kids feel safe in your environment
50. Knowing that your kids will take risks
51. Knowing that your kids will feel celebrated
52. Knowing that your kids will know that they matter
53. Jamming to 80’s love tunes during Writer’s Workshop and that one kid sings along to Journey
54. Kid drawings
55. Kids that e-mail you years later
56. Kids that come with their siblings to night events just to see you
57. A teacher down the hall who brings you a cookie just because
58. Leftover snacks in the break room
59. Teachers who share great ideas
60. Teachers who share great documents
61. Teachers who value conversation
62. Teachers who inspire you to be great
63. Teachers who help you with new ideas
64. Teachers who are excited about new technology
65. That kid that asks if they can borrow a book
66. That kid that brings in an artifact to help with our learning
67. When you see a kid help another kid who doesn’t understand
68. When a kid doesn’t know a word and other kids offer to help and don’t laugh
69. The cheers that we give for great news
70. The community that we have when someone has sad news
71. The cheesy videos of adults acting like dendrites
72. The neurons made of noodles
73. Construction paper
74. Blogging
75. Kid presentations and all their awkward glory
76. Shy kids stepping up
77. Loud kids stepping back
78. When a kid tells you that they’re sorry and they mean it
79. When a kid asks if you can come to their baseball game
80. When a kid wants to know how your weekend was
81. When a kid asks if they can take something home to work on it some more
82. When kids get excited about math
83. When kids have on task chats about their learning
84. When kids write you notes
85. When you come home tired but you know you made a positive difference in a kids life today
86. When you spend all your free time thinking about your kids because you care
87. When your kids watch football because they like what you like
88. When your kids ask you to read your favorite book from when you were a kid
89. When your significant other says they’re proud of you
90. When you look in the mirror and you’re proud of you.
91. Dance Breaks
92. Dance Breaks
93. Dance Breaks
94. Dance Breaks
95. Dance Breaks
96. Dance Breaks
97. Dance Breaks
98. Dance Breaks
99. Dance Breaks
100. Dance Breaks

1 comment:

  1. Wow... love it!

    Hard not to feel amazing each & every day you go to school when you have this list to draw upon:)

    Dance breaks, students & teacher connections, & just plain old passion... I always appreciate the reminder of why I love teaching!
